Homeless Initiative

On Saturday, December 14th, several members of the Young Adults Ministry joined forces to meet the needs of the homeless in the Hardeeville area. They put together care packages which included blankets, emergency meal kits, food boxes and gender specific essential items along with bagged groceries to give out to the homeless. It was the first attempt and a successful one. Leaders of the church accompanied the young adults and ministered to many sharing the love of Jesus Christ. Plans for the next initiative is underway with hopes to reach more people each time. Here are some photos taken during the event.



Food boxes

Pinto Beans

Yellow Split Peas

Emergency Food Kits


Bodywash, Feminine Hygeine Products

Skin Care and Towelettes

Deoderant, Body Wash

Men's Bodywash and Deoderant

Items displayed for assembly as one volunteer, Makenzie "Peace" Rhodan carefully adds a personal touch to food boxes on the end.

Young adults top L (Dee Dee Lightner, bottom L (Peace Rhodan), top R (Frances Lightner) and bottom R (Amarea Poindexter) is eager to lend an extra pair of little helping hands. Not pictured (Renee Poindexter and Teacher Kimberly Rhodan).

Boxed packages are ready to deliver. Essential bags were prepared for both men and women and were distributed along with blankets and food items.

*For more information about the Homeless Intitative, please contact Kim Rhodan at 843-441-5287. For volunteer information or to donate items, please call Elder Alberta Gray at 843-575-4187.